Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Zero Labor Factory

First Zero Labor Factory in China

Dongguan-based private company Everwin Precision Technology Ltd is implementing a project to put 1,000 robots in use in its first phase of the zero-labor project. The company has so far installed  100 robots on the assembly line.

"The 'zero-labor factory" means, the size of workforce will go down  by up to 90 percent, according to the explanation given proponents of the idea or concept. In this zero labor factory, instead of  the current 2,000 workers, only 200 computer savvy operators will manage software systems and material planning and movement related operations.

6 May Knowledge History - Science, Engineering and Management


1939  Kenneth Blanchard - One Minute Manager

Nobel Prize Winners


1851 Ice-making machine patent - John Gorrie

Knowledge History of the Day - Index for the Year

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

5 May Knowledge History - Science, Engineering and Management


Nobel Prize Winners

1921 - Arthur Leonard Schawlow


1946 - Jerry A. Hausman (Management)


1809 Mary Kies was the first women to get a patent. It was for a process for "weaving straw with silk or thread".

Knowledge History of the Day - Index for the Year

Monday, May 4, 2015

4 May Knowledge History - Science, Engineering and Management


1825 - Thomas Henry Huxley

Nobel Prize Winners


1943 Patent for helicopter controls obtained by Igor Sikorsky.
Sikorsky is also  inventor of  fixed winged and multi-engined aircraft, transoceanic flying boats and helicopters.

Knowledge History of the Day - Index for the Year

Sunday, May 3, 2015

3 May Knowledge History - Science, Engineering and Management


Nobel Prize Winners

1892 George Paget Thomson  Physics
1902 Alfred Kastler   Physics
1933 Steven Weinberg   Physics


1916 Sidney S. Alexander (Management)

Knowledge History of the Day - Index for the Year