Thursday, February 23, 2012

Leading Teams - Richard Hackman - Book Information and Review

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You can request copies of articles of Richard Hackman on Leading Teams by visiting the harvard university site of Mr. Hackman

Leading Teams: Setting the Stage for Great Performances - The Five Keys to Successful Teams
J. Richard Hackman
Professor, Harvard University
Table of Contents
Pt. I Teams
1 The Challenge 3
Pt. II Enabling Conditions
2 A Real Team 37
3 Compelling Direction 61
4 Enabling Structure 93
5 Supportive Context 133
6 Expert Coaching 165
Pt. III Opportunities
7 Imperatives for Leaders 199
8 Thinking Differently about Teams 233
Notes 257
Bibliography 283
Index 301
About the Author 311
 Hackman agrees that team approach has potential for extraordinary work, but only if enabling conditions are provided through five keys.
Five Keys to Successful Teams
Covered in Chapters 2 to 6
A Real Team
Compelling Direction
Enabling Structure
Supportive Context
Expert Coaching

Additional materials
An interview with Richard Hackman by HBS Working Knowledge Staff Member
Hackman, J. R.  1968 Effects of task characteristics on group products.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 4, 162-187
Hackman, J. R., & Vidmar, N. J.  1970 Effects of size and task type on group performance and member reactions.  Sociometry, 33, 37-54
Hackman, J. R., & Kaplan, R. E.  1974 Interventions into group process: An approach to improving the effectiveness of groups.  Decision Sciences, 5,  459-480
Hackman, J. R., & Morris, C. G.  1975 Group tasks, group interaction process, and group performance effectiveness: A review and proposed integration. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 8). New York: Academic Press.
Hackman, J. R., Brousseau, K. R., & Weiss, J. A.  1976 The interaction of task design and group performance strategies in determining group effectiveness.  Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 16, 350-365
Wolf, G. W., & Hackman, J. R.  1977 Group tasks.  In B. J. Wolman (Ed.), International encyclopedia of neurology, psychology, psychoanalysis and psychiatry (Vol. V). New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Hackman, J. R.  1978 The design of self-managing work groups. In B. King, S. S. Streufert & F. E. Fiedler (Eds.), Managerial control and organizational democracy. Washington, DC: Winston & Sons.
Hackman, J. R., & Morris, C. G.  1978 Group process and group effectiveness: A reappraisal.  In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Group processes. New York: Academic Press.
Hackman, J. R.  1980 Changing views of motivation in work groups. In K. D. Duncan, M. M. Gruneberg, & D. Wallis (Eds.), Changes in working life. London: John Wiley & Sons.
Hackman, J. R., & Morris, C. G.  1983 Group tasks, group interaction, and group performance effectiveness.  In H. H. Blumberg, A. P. Hare, V. Kent & M. Davies (Eds.), Small groups and social interaction (Vol. 1). Chichester, UK: Wiley & Sons.
Hackman, J. R.  1986 Group level issues in the design and training of cockpit crews.  In H. H. Orlady & H. C. Foushee (Eds.), Proceedings of the NASA/MAC Workshop on Cockpit Resource Management. Moffett Field, CA: NASA-Ames Research Center. 
Hackman, J. R., & Walton, R. E.  1986 Leading groups in organizations. In P. S. Goodman (Ed.), Designing effective work groups. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Walton, R. E., & Hackman, J. R.  1986 Groups under contrasting management strategies.  In P. S. Goodman (Ed.), Designing effective work groups. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Hackman, J. R.  1987 The design of work teams. In J. Lorsch (Ed.), Handbook of organizational behavior. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Hackman, J. R., & Helmreich, R. L.  1987 Assessing the behavior and performance of teams in organizations: The case of air transport crews.  In D. R. Peterson & D. B. Fishman (Eds.), Assessment for decision. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Gersick, C. J. G., & Hackman, J. R. 1990 Habitual routines in task-performing teams. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 47, 65-97
Hackman, J. R. (Ed.)  1990 Groups that work (and those that don't). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Hackman, J. R.  1992, 1993 Rethinking crew resource management.  Air Line Pilot. Parts I-III. 
Hackman, J. R.  1993 Teams, leaders, and organizations: New directions for crew-oriented flight training.  In E. L. Wiener, B. G. Kanki, & R. L. Helmreich (Eds.), Cockpit resource management. Orlando, FL: Academic Press
Hackman, J. R.  1994 Trip wires in designing and leading work groups.  The Occupational Psychologist, 23, 3-8
Hackman, J. R.  1994, November-December The team that wasn't: Commentary.  Harvard Business Review,  28-30
Hackman, J. R.  1995 Self-management/Self-managed teams.  In N. Nicholson (Ed.), Encyclopedic dictionary of organizational behavior. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Hackman, J. R.  1995 Team training.  Contemporary Psychology, 40, 128-129
Hackman, J. R.  1998 Why teams don't work.  In R. S. Tindale et al., (Eds.) Theory and research on small groups. New York: Plenum. (Abridged version in Leader to Leader, Winter 1998, 24-31.
Hackman, J. R., Wageman, R., Ruddy, T. M., & Ray, C. R.  2000 Team effectiveness in theory and practice.  In C. Cooper & E. A. Locke (Eds.), Industrial and organizational psychology: Theory and practice. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Hackman, J. R.  2002, July New rules for team building.  Optimize, 50-62
Hackman, J. R.  2002 Leading teams: Setting the stage for great performances. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Hackman, J. R., & OConnor, M.  2004 What makes for a great analytic team? Individual vs. team approaches to intelligence analysis.  Washington, DC: Intelligence Science Board, Office of the Director of Central Intelligence.
Hackman, J. R.  2005 Rethinking team leadership or Team leaders are not music directors.  In D. M. Messick & R. M. Kramer (Eds.), New directions in the psychology of leadership. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.  115-142
Hackman, J. R., & Wageman, R.  2005 When and how team leaders matter.  Research in organizational behavior, 26, 37-74
Hackman, J. R., & Wageman, R.  2005 A theory of team coaching.  Academy of Management Review, 30, 269-287
Wageman, R., Hackman, J. R., & Lehman, E. V.  2005 The Team Diagnostic Survey: Development of an instrument.  Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 41, 373-398
Hackman, J. R.  2006 The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable. Review.  Academy of Management Perspectives, 20, 122-125
Woolley, A. W., Hackman, J. R., Jerde, T. E., Chabris, C. F., Bennett, S. L., & Kosslyn, S. M. 2007 Using brain-based measures to compose teams: How individual capabilities and team collaboration strategies jointly shape performance.  Social Neuroscience, 2, 96-105
Hackman, J. R., & Edmondson, A.E.  2008 Groups as agents of change.  In T. Cummings (Ed.) Handbook of Organization Development (pp. 167-186). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Woolley, A.W., Gerbasi, M.E., Chabris, C.F., Kosslyn, S.M., & Hackman, J.R.  2008 Bringing in the experts: How team composition and collaborative planning jointly shape analytic effectiveness. Small Group Research, 39, 352-371
Wageman, R., Nunes, D. A., Burruss, J. A., & Hackman, J. R.  2008 Senior leadership teams: What it takes to make them great. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
 You can request copies of these articles by visiting the harvard university site of Mr. Hackman
This facility provided by Prof. Hackman is commendable as it makes the work of researchers and professionals slightly more easy.

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