Sunday, January 29, 2012
Long Term Equity Investment: Philosophy, Science and Art
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Sociology Articles Index
Sociology: An Introduction
Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology
Social Groups
Social Deviance
Social Structure
Social Change
Social Movements
Sociology of Formal Organizations
Positive Emotion Creating Body Parts - Exercise Them and Make Them Large and Strong
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You’re an entrepreneur because you feel you have a product or an idea or a vision that stands out among your competitors (if you don’t stand out, pack it in and come up with a new idea).
Sociology: An Introduction
Sociology is the scientific study of human society and social behavior.
Sociology is built on the premise that we are all born into human groups and derive our identities, hopes, fears, troubles and satisfaction from them. The basic insight of sociology is: “Human behavior is largely shaped by the groups to which people belong and by the social interaction that takes place within those groups.”
Sociology began to emerge as a separate discipline only around the middle of the nineteenth century. The subject assumed the scientific character after fifty years. Before the mid-1800s social philosophers exerted their efforts on social issues. But they were more concerned with what society ought to be rather than with what society actually is.
Early Sociologists
The title of “father of sociology” goes to August Comte (1798-1857). He was a Frenchman and he coined the word “Sociology”. He advocated the use of scientific method in Sociology. He identified social statics and social dynamics as areas for Sociological investigation and study. Social statics is concerned with issues of order and stability. How and why societies hold together today and endure for long period of time. Social dynamics examines social change. What makes societies change and what determines the nature and direction of change?
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) contributed his thinking to both social statics and social dynamics. Spencer used the analogy of living organism to society. The organs of an animal are interdependent and contribute to the survival of the total organism. Similarly various parts of society such as the state, family, and various other groups are interdependent and work to ensure the stability and survival of the entire system.
In the area of dynamics, Spencer argued that societies are changing in the direction of progress.
Karl Marx (1818-1883) also contributed to sociological thought. Whereas Spencer saw progress in social change, Marx saw class conflict as responsible for social change. There are people for the stability of current society and there are people for change in the current society. Marx argued that all social arrangements of a time are determined by the people who live off the production of others. The existing social arrangements are chains for the people who are toiling and producing.
Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) made number of contributions to the science of sociology. He argued that societies are held together by the shared beliefs and values of their members especially as these are expressed in religious doctrine and ritual. He also pioneered the functional approach of investigating how each part of the society contributed to the maintenance of the whole. He investigated suicide among various societies using methods of science and came to the conclusion that suicides are influenced by social forces and beliefs of the societies rather than individual thinking.
Max Weber (1964-1920) admired Marx and differed with him on primacy of the economic system in a society. He suggested that other factors, such as religious ideas could also play a role in determining social arrangements.
Modern sociologists of United States focused on social progress guided by sociological knowledge, an idea of August Comte. Hence American sociologists concentrated on smaller and specific problems of society. George Herbert Mead developed the new discipline of Social Psychology. Robert E. Park and Ernest Burgess studied social problems like the lives of criminals, drug addicts, prostitutes and juvenile delinquents.
From this brief introduction to the subject, the next article will describe the three perspectives – functionalist perspective, conflict perspective, and interaction perspective.
Ian Robertson, Sociology, Worth Publishers, Inc., New York, 1977
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Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology
Functionalist Perspective
Functionalist perspective in sociology is pioneered by Herbert Spencer and Emile Durkheim. Spencer compared societies to living organisms. In a living organism each part has a role to play in the life of the total organism. Similarly, in a society each part has a role to play. Talcott Parsons and Robert Merton contributed further to this perspective.
Merton pointed out that not all elements existing in a society are functional at all times. Some elements can be dysfunctional.
Hence a sociologist who uses functional perspective is likely to ask specific kinds of questions about each social element. What are the consequences of the elements being studied and what are its effects positive or negative on the system.
Conflict Perspective
The conflict perspective in modern sociology derives its inspiration from Karl Marx. Modern conflict theory is developed through contributions of C. Wright Mills, Lewis Coser. It extends its attention from the class conflict ideas of Marx to conflict between many groups and interests in societies. The examples could be farmers and business men, urban population and rural population, racial conflicts etc.
Conflict theories see conflict as an existing phenomenon in societies. The conflict between groups brings out the social problems to the fore and forces the society to resolve them.
Interactionist Perspective
The interactionist perspective was initially influenced by Max Weber. The sociologists following this perspective study every day social interaction that takes place as people go about their daily lives.
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Social Groups
Social Groups
Small Groups
Leadership and Groups
Group Decision Making
Group Conformity
For Further Reading
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Socialization – The Process
The Results of Socialization
Language Acquisition
Sense of Self and Personality
Result of Lack of Socialization
Understanding Theories of Learning
The Emergence of Self
Freud’s Theory
Cooley’s Theory
Mead’s Theory
Socialization Through The Course of Life
Agencies of Socialization
The Family
The School
The Peer Group
The Mass Media
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A Debate: Socialization: Homeschooling vs. Schools 2, 2007
Approximately 4 million children currently being homeschooled in the US.
Dr. Thomas Smedley believes that homeschoolers have superior socialization skills, and he did research to verify this theory. He conducted a study in which he administered the Vineyard Adaptive Behavior Scales test to identify mature and well-adapted behaviors in children. Home learners ranked in the 84th percentile, compared to publicly schooled students, who were drastically lower in the 23rd.
NHERI (National Home Education Research Institute) reports that home educated students participate in approximately five different social activities outside the home on a regular basis. Researcher Dr. Linda Montgomery found that 78 percent of high school home learners were employed with paying jobs.
Research presented at the National Christian Home Educators Leadership Conference divulged that homeschool graduates far exceeded their public and private school counterparts in college by ranking the highest in 42 of 63 indicators of collegiate success. They were also ranked as being superior in four out of five achievement categories, including socialization and they were assessed as being the most charismatic and influential.
School teachers and administrators contest these ideas and argue that proper socialization does not take place in home education.
Social Deviance
Social Deviance – Explanation
Deviance refers to behavior or characteristics than violate significant social norms and expectations and are negatively valued by large numbers of people as a result (Robertson, 1977).
Undermost conditions society its processes are remarkably orderly and predictable. This predictability comes of rules of society. But when rules are there, there will always be some people who have the temptation to break them. Socialization may not always succeed in making every body conform to the rules. Hence societies have further processes to enforce its rules. Societies have rewards for conformity and punishments for deviance.
Why people exhibit deviance?
Theories of Deviance
Four main theories are offered.
1. Biological theories
2. Anomie theory
3. Cultural transmissions theory
4. Labeling theory
Biological Theories
Italian criminologist Cesare Limbroso (1911) identified certain body features as typical to criminals. William Sheldon (1940) came to the conclusion that muscular and agile types comprise higher proportion of criminals. Owen (1972) found that XYY chromosome males are often more criminal. But still, sociologists are not happy with using inborn nature as responsible for deviant behavior.
Anomie Theory
Anomie is condition wherein a person cannot identify his contribution to the output of the group. Individuals in a state of anomie lack guidelines for behavior, for they feel little sense of social discipline over their personal desires and acts. As the society or group does not recognize or notice the contribution of their activities to the output of the group, the group does not discipline them. Robert Merton (1938, 1968) has modified the concept of anomie developed Durkheim [ ] and applied it to social deviance.
To Merton, in society, anomie is the situation that arises when there is a discrepancy between socially approved goals and the availability of socially approved means of getting them. In such a situation deviance will take place. Merton (1968) explains:
“It is only when a system of cultural values extols, virtually above all else , certain common goals for the population at large, while the social structure rigorously restricts or completely closes access to approved modes of reaching these goals for a considerable part of the same population, that deviant behavior ensues on a large scale.”
People who accept the goal of success but find approved avenues to success blocked may fall into a state of anomie and seek success by disapproved methods.
Cultural Transmission Theory
Labeling Theory
This theory states that a primary deviance, an act of deviance is discovered by the society and a punishment is given. This punishment may become a label and the person is identified with the label. The person so labeled may be forced to more deviance as other options are closed to him. Thus some persons are thrown into a deviant career.
The Social Consequences of Deviance – Dysfunctions
Deviance has a number of social consequences. It has many dysfunctions in society.
The widespread violation of significant social norms can disrupt social order. Deviance diverts social resources into efforts to control it. Deviance undermines trust. Many forms of deviance are pleasurable and profitable to the individual but disruptive for the society.
Robertson, Ian (1977), Sociology, Worth Publishers, Inc., New York.
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Social Structure
Social Structure: Explanation
Social structure refers to the organized relationships between the basic components in a social system. The most important of the components are statuses, roles, groups and institutions. These concepts are of fundamental importance in sociology, and these basic components are found in all human societies, although their precise character may vary from society to society (Robertson, 1977).
A society consists of individuals. Socially defined position of each person in the society is termed as status.
A person can occupy several statuses simultaneously. For example, son, father, husband, chairman of a co-operative society, university professor, etc. All these statuses are occupied simultaneously by the same person.
Certain statuses are given to a person by the society by birth. One cannot determine his parents and relatives. Race also cannot be determined by a person. These statuses are termed as ascribed statuses. Certain statuses are earned by the individuals. Their job, friends, wealth, various hobbies are also choices and individuals and these statuses are termed achieved statuses.
Every status has one or more roles attached to it. Role refers to the part or parts that a person plays in society.
The distinction between status and role is one occupies a status and plays a role (Linton, 1936). Every position or status carries with it a set of expected behavior patterns, obligations, and privileges-in other words norms specifying how the role attached to the status should be played.
In a society, interaction takes place between individuals, but group formation takes and a lot of interaction takes place between individual with in a group. A group consists of people interacting together in an orderly way on the basis of shared expectations about each other’s behavior. A group has well defined or well understood interrelated statuses and roles.
Groups are categorized as primary and secondary. Primary groups consist of small number of people who interact over relatively long period on an intimate, face-to-face basis. Examples are family, kinship group etc. Secondary groups consist of people who interact on a fairly temporary and impersonal basis. An example could be a group of people attending a training program for five days.
Most social behavior takes place in groups. Groups are therefore a vital part of social structure and they have to be identified and studied in sociology.
Institutions are the stable clusters of values, norms, statuses, roles and expectations that develop around the basic needs of a society.
Examples are family, state, military etc. All of them take care of needs of society.
Linton, Ralph (1936), The Study of Man, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York.
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Social Change
What is Social Change?
Social change is the alteration in patterns of social structure, social institutions and social behavior (culture) over time. No society could successful resist change in history, but the rate, nature, and direction of change differed greatly from one society to another.
To understand social change, the dynamic aspect, we need to understand social order and stability, the static aspect.
Theories of Social Change
A number of general theories of social change have been proposed by sociologists, historians, and anthropologists. The theories can be grouped into four main categories: evolutionary, cyclical, functional and conflict theories.
Evolutionary Theories
The assumption is that societies gradually change from simple beginnings into more complex forms.
Cyclical Theories
This group of scholars focused on the fact civilizations had risen and fallen. Civilizations are compared to organism which has a life. It has birth, maturity, old age and death. All creativity takes place in the early stage of the cycle. The civilization matures as it loses its original inspiration and declines. Arnold Toynbee (1946) explained the change in societies in terms of challenges and responses. Sorokin (1937) came out with the thought each societies cyclically swing between ‘sensate’ culture which emphasizes materialistic things and ‘ideational’ culture which emphasizes those things that can be perceived by mind only – things like faith and ultimate truth. Cyclical changes take place in response to the changes in preferences of people of society between ‘sensate’ and ideational’ cultures.
Functionalist Theories
New institutions come up as society becomes more complex. Formal school system maintained by government is an example.
Conflict Theories
Karl Marx declared that “violence is the midwife of history.’ Mao said “change comes from the barrel of a gun.” According to Marx, history is story of conflict between the exploiting and exploited classes. Authors who support conflict theory, now argue that class conflict is an oversimplication and there are other varieties of conflict that occur in societies – like conflict between racial groups and conflict between religious groups etc. Social changes are a result of social conflict is an accepted fact.
Sources of Change
The problem of finding the specific sources of social changes is easier than finding a general theory of social change. Some of the important sources of social change are describe below.
The Physical Environment
The physical environment of a place changes very slowly. Hence its effect may not be significant.
Ideas are important in social change. Marx argued that social conditions shape people’s ideologies, not the other way round. But Weber gave prominence to ideas. Durkheim stated that social conditions give rise to ideas but ideas once expressed develop a life of their own and they act on society and create change.
Technology is a major source of social change. The more advanced a society’s technology, the more rapid social change tends to be.
The size of a population has a strong influence on social organization.
For Further Reading