Monday, April 2, 2012

Are you Promoting an Environment that Promotes Creativity?

Every CEO wants his people to be creative and innovative. But is he developing an environment that promotes creativity? Pradip Khandwala, Professor of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, devoted a full chapter to the topic of creative environment in his book, Fourth Eye: Excellence through Creativity.


He summarized the main environmental factors that foster creativity in to ten.


1. A stimulating environment where there is an opportunity to do something new. The organization has a budget to promote new ideas.


2. An environment that encourages and rewards creativity.


3. An environment where ideas are not criticized and evaluated prematurely.


4. An environment where people can get constructive criticism and evaluation and support.


5. An environment that provides rigorous technical training or background in the areas of operations of the company.


6. An environment in which diverse ways of making efforts to solve problems is encouraged.


7. An environment that provides freedom of thought and action coupled with responsibility and accountability.


8. An environment in which creative people and innovators are looked up to as role models.


9. An environment that provides reasonable infrastructure for learning and experimentation.


10. An environment in which senior leaders hold norms and express their expectations favouring creativity and innovation.


Pradip Khandwala, Fourth Eye: Excellence through Creativity, A.H. Wheeler, Ahmedabad, 1984



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