Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ethical and Socially Responsible Marketing

Marketing and Ethics

American Marketing Association arrived at a code of ethics and published it. The code claims that members of the American Marketing Association are committed to ethical, professional conduct.

The members have to make efforts to ensure that their decisions and actions function to satisfy all relevant publics: customers, organizations and society. As guiding principles it asks all its members to not harm any person knowingly through their decisions and actions, to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations, to represent accurately their education, training and experience and to actively support the practice and promotion of code of ethics.

Social responsibility of business was examined in modern days by Howard Bowen in a book published in 1953 with the title, "Social Responsibilities of the Business Man."

Kotler advocated that companies adopt and disseminate a written code of ethics. They will reflect the American Market Association code of ethics. There has to be company tradition of ethical behavior, and people in the company have to be held responsible for observing the ethical and legal guidelines. The individual marketing representatives must practice a "social conscience" in their specific dealings with customers and various stakeholders and to support this, the education of marketing representatives and their training have to include components that provide knowledge in this are develop positive attitude toward the social responsibility of marketers.

Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, 9th Edition, Pp.782-84.1997.

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