Monday, April 2, 2012

Creativity for Decision Making - Organizational Behavior View

Organizations have to be creative and innovative in this global economy. Competition has increased for every firm in every country due to globalization. Organizations are trying to understand the process of creativity and train their staff to be more creative.

Teresa Amabile, a noted creativity researcher identified three major components for creativity: expertise or knowledge in the areas related to the problem being solved, creative-thinking skills and motivation to be creative.

Creative people are better at abstracting, imaging, synthesizing, recognizing patterns and empathizing.

A simple definition of creativity in psychology is that it involves combining responses or ideas in novel ways. Two dimensions related to creativity are identified: divergent thinking and cognitive complexity.

Divergent thinking is a person's ability to generate novel, but appropriate responses to questions and problems. Convergent thinking is more based on knowledge and logical thinking.

Some persons are more comfortable with cognitive complexity and hence think more about the issue on hand to generate more alternatives. Creative people are not necessarily more intelligent. Their IQ may not be that high

A national survey found that highly creative top managers use techniques such as guided imagery, self-hypnosis, journal keeping and lateral styles of thinking.

Resources for further study

All I Really Need to Know (About Creative Thinking)  I Learned (By Studying How Children Learn) in Kindergarten
Mitchel Resnick

Creative Problem Solving and Knowledge

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