Monday, March 5, 2012

Emotional Intelligence - Concept Brief

 Index of concepts
  1 Aa to Az

  2 Ba to Bz

  3 Ca to Cz

  4 Da to Dz 

  5 Ea to Ez

  6 Fa to Fz

  7 Ga to Gz
  8. Ha to Hz
  9. Ia to Iz
10. Ja to Jz
11. Ka to Kz
12. La to Lz
13. Ma to Mz
14. Na to Nz
15. Oa to Oz
16. Pa to Pz
17. Qa to Qz
18. Ra to Rz
19. Sa to Sz
20. Ta to Tz
21. Ua to Uz
22. Va to Vz
23. Wa to Wz
24. Xa to Xz
25. Ya to Yz
26. Za to Zz





The roots of emotional intelligence go back to many year to an idea termed social intelligence.  About a decade ago psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer  defined emotional intelligence as “the subset of social intelligence that  involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions.”
Daniel Goleman in his best selling book ‘Emotional Intelligence’ defines emotional intelligence as “the capacity for recognizing own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships.”
Success in the society has more to do with social intelligence and people with high IQs may fail in their pursuits if they are socially ignorant. There has to be an effort to develop emotional intelligence among children.
What are emotions?
Emotions are reactions to an object (Luthans). Emotion is not a trait. One shows an emotion when he is happy about something, angry at somebody or afraid of something.
Moods aren't directed at an object. Emotions do turn into mood what the object that caused the emotion goes out of the picture and the person in generally is happy or sad etc.
Emotions can be conceptualized along a continuum (Luthans).
Happiness -- Surprise -- Fear -- Sadness -- Anger -- Disgust
Emotional Intelligence
The publication of the 1995 best selling book Emotional Intelligence by psychologist/journalist Daniel Goleman greatly popularized the concept of emotional Intelligence.
According to Daniel Goleman, emotional intelligence is “the capacity for recognizing own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships.”
The components of emotional intelligence outlined by Goleman are:
  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management
  • Self-motivation
  • Empathy
  • Social skills

Goleman emphasizes that the level of emotional intelligence is not fixed genetically. The emotional intelligence is a learned and learning can continue. The word maturity is used in this context by Goleman.


Goleman, Daniel,  Emotional Intelligence, Bantam Books, New York, 1995
Luthans, Fred, Organizational Behavior, 10th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 2005


What is emotional intelligence?

Related Knols




Goleman at Google University
Discusses his book on Social Intelligence





Daniel Goleman (Narration), Destructive Emotions: How Can We Overcome Them? - A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama, Bantam Books, 2003.

Blog Posts

If emotional literacy is so crucial for a child’s success in life, then why don’t we teach it to every child?
There are doing it in Spain.

Research Papers

Heffernan, T., O’Neill, G., Travaglione, T. and Droulers, M (2008) Relationship Marketing: The Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Trust on Bank Performance, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 183-199.


Ferres, N., Travaglione, T., and O’Neill, G. (2005) ‘The role of Emotional Intelligence within Transactional-Transformational Leadership’, Journal of Business and Leadership: Research, Practice, and Teaching. 1 (1), pp. 68-79.

Ferres, N., Travaglione, T., and O’Neill, G. (2005) ‘Developing transformational leadership through trust and emotional intelligence’, refereed conference proceedings, First Annual Business and Leadership Symposium, Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas, USA.
Herkenhoff, L., O’Neill, G., & Travaglione, A. (2004). Harnessing the power of emotional intelligence across cultures. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 10 (1), pp. 43-61.

A Review of the Emotional Intelligence Literature and Implications for Corrections
Greenberg, M.T., Kusche, C.A., Cook, E.T. & Quamma, J.P. (1995). Promoting emotional competence in school-aged children: The effects of the PATHS curriculum. Development and Psychopathology, 7, 117-136.
Watson, M. & Greer, S. (1983). Development of a questionnaire measure of emotional control. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 27(4), 299-305. Williams, W.M. & Sternberg, R.J. (1988). Group intelligence: Why some groups are better than others. Intelligence, 12, 351-377.

Originally published in the Knol emotional-intelligence
Knol number 196


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