Saturday, March 17, 2012


 Index of concepts
  1. Aa to Az
  2. Ba to Bz
  3. Ca to Cz
  4. Da to Dz  
  5. Ea to Ez
  6. Fa to Fz
  7. Ga to Gz
  8. Ha to Hz
  9. Ia to Iz

 Concept Definition and Explanation



According to Koontz and O'Donnell, leadership is the skill of manager which enables him to persuade subordinates to apply themselves with zeal and confidence.


Zeal reflects ardor, earnestness, and intensity in the execution of assignments.  Confidence reflects experience and technical ability. In some work situations managers may not exert leadership. Subordinates are motivated by the need for a job and for income, as well as by social pressures.


Leadership function can be categorized as psychological or sociological.  As a psychological function leaders must motivate people to work with zeal and confidence.  The sociological function encompasses the reaction to felt and expressed needs of subordinates for direction, responsiveness to their needs, and effective representation of the group before superior levels of authority.









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Research Papers

David Tuffley (2009), Leadership of Integrated Teams in Virtual Environments, in Handbook of Research on Socio-Technical Design and Social Networking Systems, Edited By: Brian Whitworth, Massey University (Albany), Auckland, New Zealand; Aldo de Moor, CommunitySense, The Netherlands. IGI Publishing.
David Tuffley (2008), Evolving a Process Reference Model for the Leadership of Integrated Virtual Teams , in Proceedings of the 8th International SPICE Conference on Process Assessment & Improvement, Nuremberg, Germany.

David Tuffley (2008), Effective Leadership of Virtual Integrated Teams , Refereed paper in Supporting Distributed Team Work workshop at CSCW08 Computer Supported Collaborative Work, San Diego, California.

David Tuffley (2008), Critical Success Factors for the Leadership of Virtual Teams , in SEPG Australia 2008 (Melbourne), Griffith University, Brisbane.

David Tuffley (2007), Integrated Teaming in a Virtual Environment: Optimizing Teamwork & Leadership in Virtual Communities, in SEPG Australia 2007 (Gold Coast), Griffith University, Brisbane.

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