Saturday, July 14, 2012

30 September - Knowledge History - Science, Engineering and Management

Antoine-Jerome Balard born 1802: discovered bromine (Br, element 35), hypochlorous acid, and dichlorine monoxide.
Jean Perrin born 1870: research on cathode rays; Brownian movement as it relates to molecular reality; coined term "Avogadro constant"; Nobel Prize (physics), 1926.
Johann Deisenhofer born 1943: three-dimensional structure of proteins involved in photosynthesis; Nobel Prize, 1988
Hans Geiger born 1882: invented Geiger counter for detecting radiation; scattering of alpha particles in lab of Ernest Rutherford.
Jean-Marie Lehn born 1939: three-dimensional stacked-layer polycyclic compounds; Nobel Prize, 1987

Harry Mork, Arthur Little, and William Walker receive first US patent (709,922) for rayon (a name coined later for this "artificial silk" of cellulose acetate), 1902.

William Morton uses ether in pulling a tooth of Eben Frost, 1846, the first published use of ether as an anaesthetic.

1889 - The Bundy Manufacturing Co., a maker of time recording equipment, is incorporated in  Binghamton, N.Y. Willard L. Bundy created a new type of timeclock for business. Bundy Manufacturing Co. Bundy was acquired by the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company, Inc. (C-T-R) in 1911. Thirteen years later, the name would change one more time to International Business Machines (IBM).

Louis B. Werner and Isadore Perlman reported isolating first quantity of a compound of curium (Cm, element 96) in 1947.

Knowledge History of the Day - Index for the Year

Management Theory Review Blog
Management Knowledge Center
Engineering and Technology Knowledge Center
Science Knowledge Center
Social Science Knowledge Center

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