A List of Researchers, Philosophers, and Writers and Some of Their Papers, Articles and weblinks
References given in Goleman's books as the basis.
Book - Daniel Goleman's Emotional Intelligence
Aristotle's Challenge
Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics
Part One - The Emotional Brain
Chapter 1 What Are Emotions For?
Chapter 2 Anatomy of an Emotional Hijacking
Joseph LeDoux, Neuroscientist at the Center of Neural Science at New York University
Dr. Antonio Damasio, Neurologist at the University of Iowa College of Medicine
Part Two - The Nature of Emotional Intellgence
Chapter 3 - When Smart is Dumb
Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray
Book "The Bell Curve"
Karen Arnold, Professor of Education at Boston University
Howard Gardner, Harvard School of Education
Principal publications - list
Multiple Lenses on The Mind, 2005
The 25th anniversary of the publication of Howard Gardner’s Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple
Intelligences, 2008
B.F. Skinner
E.L. Thorndike
Peter Salovey
Indexs of articles
Emotional Intelligence - Seminal Article by Salovey and Mayer
Evidence that EI makes a difference. Presentation 2004
The Evolution of Emotional Intelligence, Presentation, 2005
Emotion Regulation Abilities and the Quality of Social Interaction, Paper in Emotion 2005
Robert Sternberg
Sternberg, R. J. (1993). Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test. Unpublished research instrument available from author.
Sternberg, R. J. (1985). Beyond IQ: A triarchic theory of human intelligence. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Sternberg, R. J. (1996). Successful intelligence. New York: Simon & Schuster. (Paperback edition: New York: Dutton, 1997).
Sternberg, R. J., & Grigorenko, E. L. (2000). Teaching for successful intelligence. Arlington Heights, IL: Skylight Training and Publishing Inc.
Jack Block
Chapter 4 Know Thyself
Socrates, “Know thyself.”
Freud, Evenly hovering attention
John Mayer, A University of New Hampshire Psychologist
Peter Salovey, Yale University
Edward Diener, A University of Illinois at Urbana psychologist
Dr. Peter Sifnoes, the Harvard Psychiatrist
Antonio Damasio
Chapter 5 Passion’s Slaves
Page Dubois, Greek Scholar
John Bowlby and D.W. Winnicott, Psychoanalysis
Benjamin Franklin
Dolf Zillmann, Psychology, University of Alabama
Redford Williams, Psychiatry, Duke University
Chogyam Trungpa, a Tibetan teacher
Lizabeth Roemer and Thomas Borkovec, Psychology, Pennsylvania State University
Diane Tice
William Styron
Susan Nolen-Hoeksma
Richard Wenzlaff
Daniel Weinberger
Richard Davidson, Psychology, University of Wisconsin
Chapter 6 The Master Attitude
Sanford Doenbusch, Sociology, Stanford
Walter Mischel, Psychology
Richard Alpert
Ralph Haber
C.R. Snyder, University of Kansas, Psychology
Martin Seligman
Albert Bandura
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Chapter 7 The Roots of Empathy
Robert Rosenthal, Psychology, Harvard: He devised a test of empathy, the PONS (Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity).
Martin L Hoffman, New York University
E. B. Titchener (1920s)
Marian Radke-Yarrow and Carolyn Zahn-Waxler, National Institute of Mental Health
Daniel Stern, Psychiatry, Cornell University School of Medicine
Leslie Brother, Psychiatry, California Institute of Technology (Biology of Empathy)
Robert Levenson, Psychology, University of California at Berkeley
John Donne (English Poet)
William Pithers, Vermont Prison Psychologist
Robert Hare, Psychology, University of British Columbia
Chapter 8 The Social Arts
Paul Ekman
Ulf Dimberg, University of Uppsala
John Cacioppo, Social Psychology, Ohio State University
Frank Bernieri, Psychology, Oregon State University
Thomas Hatch
W.H. Auden
Helena Deutsch, Psychoanalyst
Lakin Phillips, Psychology, George Washington University
Stephen Nowicki, Psychology, Emory University
Chapter 9 Intimate Enemies
Sigmund Freud
Leslie Brody and Judith Hall
Carol Gilligan, Harvard
Ted Hudson, Psychology, University of Texas
John Gottman, Psychology, University of Washington
Aaron Beck, Founder of Cognitive Therapy
Robert Levenson, Psychology, University of California at Berkeley
Haim Ginott, Psychology,
Chapter 10 Managing with Heart
Shoshona Zuboff, Psychology, Harvard Business School
J.R. Larson, Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana
Harry Levinson, Psychoanalyst turned corporate consultant
Dr. Vamik Volkan, Psychiatrist, University of Virginia
Thomsa Pettigrew, Social Psychology,University of California at Santa Cruz
Peter Drucker
Robert Sternberg
Wendy Williams
Robert Kelly and Janet Caplan (HBR article)
Chapter 11 Mind and Medicine
Robert Ader, University of Rochester
Francisco Varela, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris
David Felten
Dr. Camran Nezhat, Surgeon, Stanford University
Dr. Redford Williams, Duke University
Peter Haufman, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Sheldon Cohen, Psychology,Carnegie-Mellon University
Stephen Manuck, Psychology, University of Pittsburgh
John Cacioppo
Dr. Jimmie Holland
Dr.Dean Ornish
Chapter 12 The Family Crucible
Carole Hooven and John Gottman
Dr. T. Berry Brazelton, Paediatrician
Chapter 13 Trauma and Emotional Relearning
Dr.Spencer Eth, Child psychiatrist
D.Dennis Charney
Dr. John Krystal
Dr. Charles Nemeroff
Richard Davidson
Dr. Leonor Terr
Dr. Judith Lewis Herman
Joseph LeDoux
Chapter 14 Temperment Is Not Destiny
Jerome Kagan
Thorsten Wiesel and David Hubel, Neuroscience, Nobel Prize Winners, Brain Growth
Chapter 15 Emotional Literacy
Urie Bronfenbrenner, Psychology, Cornell University
Gerald Patterson
John Lochman
Dr. Fredeirck Goodwin
Dr. David Kupfer
Maria Kovacs
Hilda Bruch
Harry Stack Sullivan, Psychoanalyst
Steven Asher, Psychology, University of Illinois
Stephen Nowicki, Emory University, Psychology
Ralph Tarter, Psychology, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh
Ronald Kessler, Sociology, University of Michigan
Chapter 16 Scholling the Emotions
Karen Stone McCown
Eric Schaps
Dr. David Hamburg
Linda Lantieri
Mark Greenberg
Tim Shriver
Amitai Etzioni, Social Theorist, George Washington University
My Knols on Emotional Intelligence
The Nature of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman - Book Information and Review
Emotional Intelligence - Information and Discussion Board
Emotional Intelligence - Education and Training Resources
Multiple Intelligences
Emotional Intelligence
Websites on Emotional Intelligence
Originally posted on Knol
Knol Number 1298
Updated on 7 May 2017, 1 July 2013